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Midi recording and export

Hi, when I record rhythm and solo I see only chords for rhythm and midi export only right hand solo. Is it posible export rhythm in midi tracks ?

Quote from daliborrr on March 13, 2024, 7:58 pm

Hi, when I record rhythm and solo I see only chords for rhythm and midi export only right hand solo. Is it posible export rhythm in midi tracks ?

Do you want to export the solo and rhythm you recorded, to a single MIDI file?
OK, I will work on it.

daliborrr has reacted to this post.

Yes please,  This option will be very usefull, thanks

Does mobile version got more options than desktop or vise versa or same ?  Is there any video tutorial how to record live style ?

The desktop version has many more options and features.

to record a live style:

1- Tap on a TRACK REC. button (DRUM, BASS, ACC.1, ...)

2- Play a piece of a loop

3- Immediately tap on another TRACK REC.

4- Play some additional notes

5- Tap on another TRACK REC.

6- Play some additional notes

. . .

Then, tap on the MENU button and select Fit to 4/4

You can do it for other rhythm sections (Variation 2, Variation 3, ...)


After all, tap on the MENU button and select Save to file

Quero dar algumas sugestões para o projeto, abraços do Brasil!

Quote from tailer.alves on May 18, 2024, 4:51 am

Quero dar algumas sugestões para o projeto, abraços do Brasil!

I would appreciate that

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Sofeh Sunrise